Friday, November 6, 2009

Why I am in Love with Jesus Christ

Okay sounds funny...but why the hell would I say I am in love with Him who has died for me with such great Love and adoration for humanity. But I will gratefully tell you hoping that somewhere along your own journey into understanding who on earth is God in three person, you will also fall in Love with Him literally. I mean falling...falling in His compassionate arms without crushing.

I have been thinking so seriously about why did Jesus Christ have to die on the cross. I was delving into each and every scene throughout his suffering before He died. I have watched the Passion of the Christ and to tell you the truth, it has drawn me closer to God more than ever. The first time I watched it I did shed some tears not of guilt but of happiness. In my mind, I was happy that there was someone who thought humbly about human beings and decided the cross was where He could honour His everlasting love for us.

There is one thing the Devil cannot do that Jesus Christ did...lay down his life for another person in the name of Love. There is one great thing that Jesus Christ did that no other person can do, die for the sinners and for the glory of God. He did lay down his life and go more than just His life and He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Jesus Christ is a force in which Love dwells, He gave a reason to live and imparted to us the full benefit of the Holy Spirit. He actually let me know that it is actually possible to live without dwelling in the past, but living in the code of Love, Hope and Faith.
There are many songs that I have listened to that have inspired me to look in the life of Jesus Christ from a human perspective. There is Mary did you know which was sang by Clay Aiken who happens to be one of my favourite artist. The song is deep and engages the listener in Mary's life and how she carried the Lord. It sounds so far fetched but the song brings the listener closer to the reality of what God's plans were for Mary. She delivered a child who would deliver her soon.

Another song which I love is Breath of Heaven!!! I love this song because it is my driving force in life. It talks about how Mary is asking for God to be with her though out her giving to the world the son she also loves.

Passion of the Christ is a rather iconic movie if you look at it from a Spiritual perspective, the torture Jesus Christ went through, hanging on the cross, the way the disciples watched helplessly, the way Mary looked at her son...many small things that make Jesus Christ stand out...they make Him greater in a way you will have to be in Him to understand

Jesus Christ is an important figure in my life, the Love of my life, the one I look to in terms of self actualization...self actualization, I mean the man who reached above all thing by choosing the longer route in the name of Love. The One and only One who chose to put down His glory and come as a man so that He could show us the meaning of Love. His death has certainly drawn me closer to the father more than ever.

I have not stopped learning about Him, or the Father or the Holy Spirit. I have a lot to learn about Him and to get to the depth of God and His Love for us as human being.

I pray as you go through life, deep inside of you, you know Jesus Loves you and you can fall in love with Him.

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